Body and Mind Strengthening

A flexible body grows a flexible mind

Although this is nothing new, we can be surprised at times, how closely body and mind are interconnected and how they constantly operate together or against each other.

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As a lifelong sport practitioner and retired Judo competitor, I experienced many times, how easily the mind can have a negative impact on our body as well as on physical performance. 

In some cases, the long-term effects of such negative impacts can even lead to illness, chronical pain or other undesirable consequences.

For years, I held the belief that this dynamic was only unidirectional from the mind to the body, until I started to practice Yoga a long time ago. 

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Today I know, how incredible the effects of an agile body are on the mind and how physical exercise combined with specific breathing techniques lead to mental flexibility.

I work as a Yoga Facilitator, in order to offer a space to practitioners to individually experience, explore and strengthen this amazing interconnection of body and mind. 

Come and join the journey !
Discover your strengths and talents.
Meet your limits – expand them and evolve.

Let your body inspire your mind!

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